• April 28, 2021



1847 1039 Triad Architects
 Purpose of architecture

The sole purpose architecture is to improve the lives of human beings. Architecture that follows design standards and well execution layouts  lead to good buildings that not only provide accommodation and workspaces but also shape our lives.

Well executed architecture enhances happiness, satisfaction, freedom and confidence in humans. According to Architect John Lautner, the basic needs of a human being and the subtle variations of the individual are the sources for Real Architecture such as the natural environment and the natural use of materials. Thus creating – new- changing- to infinity yet timeless Architecture.

Architecture has also existed as a profound expression of culture. From our cultural circular earth-walled houses, thatched in dry grass to modern masonry walled houses roofed with corrugated iron sheets, architecture tell stories of times, transformation and exploration. This transformational language is as a result of cultural change and high levels of knowledge sharing.

Architecture is experienced at various scales. From a single unit dwelling, infrastructure and public spaces to layout of cities. These, individual elements that build up an environment give architects an enormous responsibility of connecting the people with the present while shaping their tomorrow.

architecture purpose and the Community

Over the years, there have been debates on how architecture influences people in a community. Master architects such as Frank Lloyd W and Leon Battista held the ideas that if done right, architecture could influence people to flee from corruption and make rebels civilians, respectively. These theories are held untrue. However, the impact architecture has on shaping people’s lives and influencing their attitude is not debatable. As abstract as it may appear, architecture developed within its purpose will contribute to influencing its functions.

A community can be compelled on how to perceive architecture by the architect. For instance, the use of colours and lighting control within a building will determine how will people respond to it.

Kericho Cathedral by Triad Architects and John McAslan Architects

Genesis Joy Primary School by Triad Architects and Triad Foundation

Architecture designed within its purpose should meet the expected results and fit within its community. For instance, a well-designed hospital that promotes a healing environment for its patients must correlate with the neighborhood in which it has been established without creating a rebellious environment. Design for purpose can be considered as a process that ensures a building achieving its functions internally and externally. Further, you cannot establish a well-executed school design in a community that has no school-going children: this beats the purpose.

The influence of architecture is profound on individuals. This is because it directly affect their mood, health and productivity inside a space through layouts, materials, colours and textures. When a purpose is introduced, it shapes design to generate a space that will not only influence individuals but also direct their energy to the intended function.

Over the years, TRIAD has designed projects that strictly address the needs of a society. These projects include health and education facilities. In these two examples, TRIAD has confronted a social problem within a community to establish an architectural solution that writes history through purpose.

Tenwek CTC Hospital by Triad Architects and Health Facilities Group

Kenya Women’s & Children Wellness Centre