Britam Insuarance Co. Ltd

The client’s key business objective was to achieve the highest and best use of the land and maximise returns for its investors. It therefore proposed serviced apartments (1, 2 and 3 bedroomed), to a target market that included expatriates and diplomatic staff.

Considering this target market, the apartments had to have the highest standards in terms of design and quality to compete with other high quality apartments in any part of the world.

Three proposals were developed to fully address the client’s brief and highlight the different options of land which included the client’s preference of a low-rise building and the current plot ratio and potential of a high-rise development. The three proposals were the ‘Y’, the ‘courtyard’ and the ‘vista’.

Triad’s preferred option was the “Y” because it was a unique design option and a definite landmark for Nyangumi road and its Environs. Its form was derived from the desire to avoid the direct overlooking of the apartments into each other within the development as well as similar potential cases from potential neighbouring developments.