• June 18, 2010

Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission Headquarters

Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission Headquarters

800 600 Triad Architects

The proposed KACC Headquarters complex consists of a 3-storey office building with a 2-storey annex, both located above a semi basement car park. The annex houses an auditorium and canteen. Two other out buildings are provided, a guardhouse cum security building near the gate and a service rooms building.

The office building and annex are separate buildings, but linked through covered walkways and landscaped gardens. This allows use of the auditorium and canteen independent of the office buildings, so that they do not interfere with the day to day operations of the offices.

The buildings are predominantly rectangular, with landscaped courtyards. The office building has a large central court that will form the focal point of the office part of the development.

Parking has been provided for 300 cars of which 179 will be in a sub-basement. Construction is anticipated to commence in early 2011 and be complete in June 2010.

Client: Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission
Project Location: Karen, Nairobi
Gross Area:7,900 sq.meters
Completion : 2016
Project Partner: James Gitoho / Charles Ndungu
Project Architect: Charles Ndungu